July Schedule

Posted originally to our Patreon

The Grand Arbiter and I are off for a bit of a last minute but truly delightful adventure over the end of June, but when we return in July, we have many delightful escapades planned for the month!

June 27th – July 2nd: Madame Askew and the Grand Arbiter are off for a super secret but delightful adventure

July 5th at 6:30 PM Pacific: The Return of Friday Virtual Tea with special guest Freddy Prinze Charming  live on Facebook 

July 6th at 10 AM Pacific: Sip the Tea with Madame Askew with special guest Trevon Powell live on Facebook

July 7th at 11 AM Pacific: Bustling into Bustle Skirts classes resume (No classes on June 30th and July 3rd)

July 18th – 21st: Madame Askew goes to Costume College

July 28th at 4:30 PM Pacific: Steampunk Virtual Book Club featuring Nine Pound Hammer

We might squeeze in a few other spots of shenanigans once we return, especially for Bastille Day, but for now, I simply wish to remind you to treasure yourselves and we treasure you! Please take very good care of yourselves as we head into the throws of summer–drink all of the good tea and stay hydrated!



Photo courtesy of Eve Riot, captured during our recent adventures at River City Steampunk Expo

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