River City Steampunk Expo

The Grand Arbiter are departing soon for our adventures at River City Steampunk Expo in Louisville, KY. As always, I hope to see a few of you there in person! My favourite part of any of these events is connecting as a CommuniTea, and there is a tea room hosted by our own dear Tea Tzar Miah at this event so we shall have many fine opportunities to catch up over tea.

Of course, if we are going to be in Louisville, we must abscond with our dear Eve Riot for adventures as well! They have graciously agreed to join us at the convention and to complete our cheeky trio! This month happens to be the 10th anniversary since the 3 of us met at Gaslight. What a marvelous moment of kismet that was! Naturally, we’ve decided to embrace the serendipity of this convention’s timing and location as a perfect excuse to treat the whole escapade as our anniversary reunion tour. Eve has also kindly agreed to join us as part of all of our panels and to assist us as our most dapper valet and cat wrangler so you can find all 3 of us swanning around together on our way to and from panels and events.

Speaking of panels, we have a delightful little roster of treats. As always, we shall do our utmost to live stream the panels whenever possible, accepting the Undressing presentation which we usually do not stream due to shocking display of ankle. I’ve included the schedule above as a handy dandy little graphic. The schedule is always subject to change as things can shift unexpectedly during any convention weekend. If you are attending in person, I highly recommend checking in with the online grid for panels and special events.

For this upcoming time traveling tour, we are bringing several beloved ensembles–our signature Rainbow Explosion and the Parisian Pansy– but we are debuting a whole new underpinnings set during our Undressing panel. The theme for River City is Steampunk in the Shadows so we felt it was a perfect opportunity to bring out the Parisian Pansy and style it as a half mourning ensemble. What a delightful excuse to add a little goth flare to all of our looks for the weekend! We have some fun but more relaxed plans for our Sunday look as well.

And of course, we are bringing a Tea Scout quest chain and a badge to the event, as well as other swag for those who participate in our panels. The Tea Scout quests will get posted to our website but you may also find them as a downloadable pdf on our Patreon.

After the weekend’s exploits, we shall be frolicking amid the treasures of Louisville with dear Eve for an extended post convention bit of time traveling. This means that we shall have a significant interruption to our normal streaming schedule until we return to our respective abodes. However, we shall certainly check in from Louisville and share updates whilst we have the pleasure of Eve’s company. Watch for photos, short videos, and sundry nonsense, and know that I shall write a review of the convention and our favourite Louisville diversions when I have settled into the Workshop of Doooom once more.

We travel forth with high spirits, full hearts, and many plans for cheeky shenanigans together throughout the weekend.

*This post originally published to our Patreon

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