SCW Guest Announcement: Robert Dahlen

Steampunk CommuniTea Weekend Special Guest Author

Robert Dahlen hails from Northern California. He is an author who specializes in steampunk tales with a dollop of fantasy, a swirl of humor, and a sprinkle of heart, resulting in delightful concoctions. His most recent creation is the Peavley Manor series, featuring heiress Alice Peavley, her gnome valet Macalley, and their friends, foes, and misadventures. There are two books available – the novel Peavley Manor and Tales Of Peavley Manor, a collection of four novelettes – and more are (slowly) in the works. His other steampunk stories include Copper Cove, featuring crafter Tabitha Miles, and the airship pirate novella Skyblade’s Gambit. You can sample his writing at

Robert began his writing career in 2016, after a few false starts; among his many influences are Phil and Kaja Foglio, Terry Pratchett, and P.G. Wodehouse. When not writing, Robert enjoys eating breakfast for dinner, catching up on webcomics and tackling his to be read stack, discussing the merits of chap-hoppers and other nerd (and other) musicians, and losing at Magic the Gathering: Arena. He also likes penguins.

Oh, he pronounces his last name “Duh-LANE”, as in “the rain in Spain falls mainly on Dahlen”. Somewhere, Henry Higgins sighs and hides his face in his hands.

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